ecolog kirjutas:
Tere jälle,
Vee kvaliteet meil eriti hea ei ole, kõrge väävelvesiniku tase ja karedus, ise me seda vett ei joo.
Tahaksin parandada omaenda vea selles osas, et väävelvesiniku vastu ei aita isegi osmoosfilter. Selle pooride suurus on umbes 0.0005 mikronit, kuid isegi sellest on väävelvesiniku jaoks vähe, rääkimata sinu poolt kasutatavast filtrist
Tuli just meelde, et
Randy Holmes-Farley viimases merekeemia testis oli selline küsimus, mille vastusest selgub, et nii süsinikdioksiidi kui ka väävelvesinikku pöördosmoosi seadme membraan kinni ei pea.
22. Which of the following would be expected to most readily pass through a reverse osmosis membrane?
A. Sodium and chloride
B. Magnesium and sulfate
C. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
D. Proteins and carbohydrates
E. Bacteria and viruses
Answer 22. Reverse osmosis membranes exclude on the bases of size. Objects significantly larger than a water molecule cannot easily get through. Proteins, carbohydrates, bacteria and viruses are all very large and are completely excluded. Charged ions (sodium, chloride, magnesium and sulfate) all have very tightly bound water molecules that make them effectively much larger than a single water molecule, so they are mostly excluded. Carbon dioxide (even as carbonic acid, H2CO3) and hydrogen sulfide are uncharged and small enough to pass through a reverse osmosis membrane. The correct answer is C.