albert kirjutas:
kloun kirjutas:
Ei tea jah, üldiselt peaks 1 KH langusega kaduma ka 20 mg/l Ca, aga?
See pole vist päris nii. Ca ja Alk tasakaalu kalkulaatori järgi vastab 3 dKH Alk muutus Ca 21,5 mg/l muutusele ja vastupidi Ca 20 mg/l muutus vastab Alk 2,8 dKH-le. Nii et kõik klapib.
Aga muidugi, mul lausa meq/l ja dKH sassis. Leidsin ka Randy Holmes-Farley seletuse:
Alkalinity for our purposes here is comprised of bicarbonate and carbonate. The vast majority of alkalinity depletion in most tanks also comes about by the precipitation of calcium carbonate, as described above. In this process, as alkalinity is depleted by 1 meq/L, calcium will be depleted by 20 ppm. There are some other processes that can lead to alkalinity depletion, including partial cycling of nitrogen (from organic compounds to nitrate and no further) and the incorporation of magnesium into calcium carbonate, but these are generally much less important than calcification.
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