tere uurisin kah seda asja nati ja leidsin paar v'ga huvitavat lehek[lge sellest:
http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showt ... id=7529861http://www.athiel.com/lib7/drj2.htmvaja l'heb siis :
To make the solutions:
(According to Hans Werner Balling)
375g of calcium chloride CaCl2 is dissolved in 5000ml of water.
325g of sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 is dissolved in 5000ml of water.
150g of NaCl-free marine salt is dissolved in 5000ml of water.
257g of MgCl2 solution for Mg support dissolved in 5000ml of water.
Dosage: Initially add 30ml of each solution per 100 liters (approximately 25 gallons) of water, daily. Continue this until a carbonate hardness of 9 - 11 dH is reached. 30ml once or twice a week, per 100 liters should then suffice as a maintenance dose.
siit aga tekkis kysimus kust leida seda nacl vaba meresoola?
muu jutt oli informatiivne kui kellegil peaks olema tahtmist ka proovida