Mereakvaariumi huviliste kohtumispaik

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PostitusPostitatud: 23.07.05 19:51 
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Liitunud: 25.10.03 00:04
Postitusi: 1834
Asukoht: Göteborg
Randy Holms-Farley on avaldanud artikli What is that Precipitate in My Reef Aquarium?, kus selgitatakse akvaariumis sagedamini esinevate väljasadestuste põhjusi ja nende mõjusid. Tekst on kohati natuke raskevõitu, aga heade illustratsioonidega.

Soovitan keemiahuvilistel lugeda või vähemalt korraks piltidele pilk peale heita.


Many precipitates are formed in the various processes that aquarists use to maintain reef aquaria. Some of these may be beneficial, such as the solid material that settles out of limewater, reducing the load of impurities it delivers to the aquarium. Others are neither beneficial nor detrimental, such as the initial cloudiness that forms when high pH additives are added to reef aquaria. Others are downright detrimental, such as solid calcium carbonate that can clog pumps. The information provided in this article should help aquarists understand what these are and why they form. Using that information, aquarists may be able to better maintain their reef aquaria without excessive worry over insignificant issues.

Happy Reefing!

... and I think to myself, what a wonderful world!

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