Harjasuss võib kõrvetada päris vastikult, neid on ju palju liike ka, mõned mürgisemad kui teised.
Lisaks ussidele ei tasu unustada väga süütu välimusega aga hoopis mürgisemaid elukaid: Zoanthus polüüpe, mille mürk võib lausa surmav olla.
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...all members of Zoanthus and Palythoids contain the highly potent neurotoxin known as palytoxin.
Irrespective of its use to the zoanthid, palytoxin is a very dangerous substance, and anyone handling zoanthids of any species should be very careful not to allow the polyps to contact any area of broken skin. Handwashing to remove mucus after handling zoanthids is absolutely required in the interest of safety. Palytoxin is also denatured by heat, and hot water hand washes will further act in loosening and solubilizing and mucosal remnants.