Gorgooniaid on palju erinevaid liike ja enamus nendest on ka fotosünteetilised. Kui sellise fotosünteetilise vigastusteta eksemplari poest kätte saad, siis on lootust, et ta ka heades tingimustes ellu jääb. Igal juhul vajavad nad lisatoitu.
Siin on paar linki WetWebMedia lehtedele.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seafans.htmhttp://www.wetwebmedia.com/gorgart2.htmKuna küsimus oli "sinisest" isendist, siis allpool on Anthony Calfo arvamus selle kohta.
Blue polyped gorgonian
Hello Mr. Fenner or anybody else in the crew,
I am very honored to be able to finally ask one of you a question.
I enjoy the honest and educated information on your site. Your site has enabled me to be a more conscientious reef keeper and I thank you wholeheartedly.
Now to my question, can you tell me about a blue polyped gorgonian, in which I believe to be a pacific gorgonian that I saw in Eric Borneman's book of aquarium corals.
It is available at my LFS and it is a beautiful specimen.
They said that they have never seen it before and that their distributor has just obtained them.
Before I decide to buy this specimen I would like to know anything you can tell me about them, so that I can make wise choice.
Also, is it true that gorgonians cannot be exposed to air?
Best luck to you all and have safe, enjoyable trips where ever you may travel to.
Thank you for your time, Timmy Nguyen
Re: Blue polyped gorgonian
Hello again Mr. Calfo,
I appreciate the educational response and have decided to not get the gorgonian. I believe I can try to keep it, but I don't want to "experiment" on such a beautiful specimen or take part in a new Goniopora/flowerpot epidemic.
Words cannot express the gratitude I have for you and your colleagues. It is very hard to find information that is honest and not an arrogant opinion based on meaningless nothings.
And if you do post this, I would like to advise the readers that Mr. Calfo's book on coral propagation
is an extremely intelligent, well written, enlightening piece.
I did have to put to use a good dictionary though, heh, but well worth it.
Well, thank you again and I hope to be able to keep in touch with you all.
Respectfully, Timmy Nguyen